Monday, 23 January 2012

Leg 5 and Takapuna Beach - 22 Jan 12

We woke to dark clouds and rain - endless text messages asking if it was still on.  "Absolutely people meet you at 1115 in front of the Taka Boat Club" - Walkers from Hospice Hobblers and Glenfield Warehouse Wanderers

Grey clouds but dedicated team of walkers - and look it is low tide

Now wouldn't this be an easier way to do the "Coastal Challenge"

First set of rock as we leave Takapuna Beach - Our trainer Bridgette high on the rock face

Whoops these are a bit slippery
Three of us ended up having a seat - but didn't get photos as I was too busy watching where to put my own feet!!

Easy as we go, careful footing, not much point in hurting ourselves this close to the big day

Strolling along the sand - not a care in the world, except that the next beach is St Leonards - this is one time we are happy it's raining 

Beautiful picturique Rangitoto Island - we live in such an amazing part of New Zealand - "rain rain go away come again another day"

Coming into Narrow Neck Beach - misty rain still falling

Nearly at the end of Cheltham Beach, very pleasant walk, even if it did rain

North Head steps - only 100 of them, just what you need at the end of a 5km scramble across rocks.  Umm maybe we will leave that to another day

Dianna & Carol resting before we head back the way we came - look there is Rangitoto Island - and the rain has gone

We encountered killer fish on our way back - infact it nearly killed us as nearly stepped on it and screamed - we are so tough!!

Carol and our trainer Bridgette coming in at Takapuna Beach - Look Carol you're in the lead

Well deserved rest and maybe an ice cream.

Twelve of us started and 12 of us finished.  The Warehouse crew steamed ahead making great time.   Low tide was at 1235 so when we started at the end of Takapuna Beach it was not quite there, but on the way back was a lovely walk on the beach and over rocks.  Lots of soft sand and of course those North Head Steps which have haunted many of my dreams.

23 Jan 12 training with Bridgette.  

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