Tuesday, 17 January 2012

First practise walk/run/scramble Browns Bay to Takapuna Beach 11km Legs 3 & 4

"Let's meet at "low tide" and do legs 3 & 4 of the challenge, it's only 11km" - I think someone needs to explain to Carol Herbert what 'low tide' means. I don't think water is meant to be right on the coastline

Happy smiling team before our 'coastal walk'

Coastal challenge?? where did the water go and isn't that the road - I think someone needs to explain to Carol what 'coastal' means 

Great view and group photo at Kennedy's Park, but aren't we meant to be at the waters edge and this is a dead end - but at least we are still smiling . . . . . . . where's Carol??

Yay finally coastal - water, rocks and scrambling across - yet another hazard - people coming the other way!!!!

Takapuna Beach we made it

Our walkers consitsted of some members of the Hospice Hobblers, Warehouse Wanderers, and Westpac Lake Rd.

We started with 16 people, lost one to shinsplints, two to hangovers and gained three when they got out of bed.  Ended up walking approximately 15km and only a part of that was along the 'coast', came to a dead end, got wet feet at Castor Bay and Milford.  We enjoyed it and will do leg 5 next week Takapuna Beach to Devonport and Carol is not in charge of tide reading!!

Don't forget visit http://www.fundraiseonline.co.nz/HospiceHobblers/  and help us raise funds for Hospice North Shore

Cheers everyone see you next week :-)

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