We did however do this leg in reverse from the northern end of Browns Bay beac to the northern end of Long Bay beach
Do we organise live pre-leg entertainment or what?? A gentleman was net fishing and caught all this in his net. It is bait fish but the kids loved it and nothing like seeing their faces before we started on our journey
End of Browns Bay beach - Tipau Point. Doesn't seem to be a lot of rocks or beach there for us to walk across. I did warn everyone that we "may" get wet
And here are the walkers - not as many as last week, but it was a long weekend after all.
Jade, Stephen's daughter is a real star, riding high on Dad's shoulders she thinks it is easy - she chatters away and tells Stephen to be careful
OK so far so good, still got dry feet, no one has fallen over, but there have been some close calls that is for sure - and Jade riding high without a care in the world
Spoke too soon, Gaynor was the first to slip over. Some of the rocks were very slippery and Gaynor was not the last to kiss the ground.
Waiaki Beach - I think we should just borrow one of these and then give it back when we reach Long Bay - it is very tempting, so far we have not got wet but somehow I don't think it is going to stay that way - we still have Toroa Point to get through.
Where did Carol & Gaynor go?? - Come on girls get a wriggle on
One draw back of being the photographer and blogger - you have to climb everything first to get the photo
Maybe this looks worse than it is.
As you go around this leg, there is more than one option to tackle some of the rocks that mother nature puts in your way.
Up and over the rocks with a handy rope bolted to the rock face to get down - I am so impressed by what mother nature can do.
Now if she can arrange a coffee shop along this leg that would be brillant
Option 2
Go right through the water - refreshing I think they said or was it S**t it's cold
Again being the blogger I had to go first to get the photo opporunity (but really I was hoping someone would fall in) then wade fast to the other side to get the guys coming down the rock face.
Then we came across this rock, pretty cool we thought. I did think about carrying it home to put in my garden, but the thought of carrying it, myself, the waterbottle and the camera was just getting a little to hard - after all I was in need of a coffee or amber liquid of some sort.
Toroa Point - we are nearly there
A bit more art - some people pay thousands of dollar to see art like this. And we have it in good old Gods Own
A bit more clambering
Long Bay Beach
Bring it home team. Now if we can still look that refreshed on the day I will be more than impressed and since I am running last someone else will have to take the photo.
Thanks to the hearty souls that ventured out with us on a long weekend. We will be attempting leg 3 next week Browns Bay to Milford, the very first practise run again. And no Carol is still not in charge of tide reading.
Thank you for all the wonderful people who have sponsored us on http://www.fundraiseonline.co.nz/HospiceHobblers/ we might not be breaking any Coastal Challenge records, but we are having some fun, getting to know our wonderful corporate supporters of Westpac Lake Rd, Warehouse Glenfield and Pak n Save Albany, and raising funds to ensure that we can make each day the best day possible for our terminally ill patients and their families.