Thursday, 9 February 2012

5 February - Leg 3 (again) Browns Bay to Milford at Low Tide

A brave team of walkers set out on very cool day with howling winds, grey sky's and no thermals - this is summer after all and our thermals had been packed away.

Leaving Browns Bay at low tide was a great way to start, strolling along not a care in the world feeling the wind in our hair

Then wham - on our back side as we slide down the rocks, the only way to go sometimes - not at all lady like, but hey its about finishing not looking pretty

Then another gentle stroll - time to take in the scenery, the sky and a general chit chat about why we are doing this.  Bloggers in the front, hoping for the "action" shot

This is pretty impressive, running - yes running over the rocks

Then wham - coming into Murrays Bays - slippery rocks, crashing waves and two bloggers waiting for the tumble

On this  leg you actually get to do some running, which is nice to see how the legs are coping. 

Mother Natures steps are always there to lend a hand as you scramble down them.  However not always as easy at this one

Finally we reach Milford Inlet, where we nominated the only person wearing something that resembled a swimming costume.  I waited with camera at the ready for that "action shot" - such a supportive bunch we are. The we turn around and head back the way we came.  Roughly 12km so not bad for a Sunday walk with a bunch of crazy people.

 Along the way we came across people fishing for our dinner, and seagulls too cold to even fly - now what does that tell you about the day!!!!

A boat in a tree - interesting??? and a chimney without a house - not even going there!!!


As we head back into Browns Bay, we all reflect on the week that has been.  One of the Glenfield Warehouse staff members who was being cared for in the Hospice unit passed away.  When life is taken early it again makes us realise why we have undertaken this challenge.  Ours is a small challenge that will last only a day, for many of our patients and their families, everyday is a challenge. 

Hospice Hobblers and the greater Hospice family send their thoughts to Mary's family and her greater Glenfield Warehouse family.  

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