What an awesome day, what an awesome event, what an awesome team of Hospice Hobblers.
Waiting for the hooter seemed like it was taking ages - 150 individuals running the whole 33km - they must be mad!! 25 teams made up of 2, 3 or 5 people running legs of the 33km. That's us and 2 teams from Westpac Lake Rd - I've decided we are all mad
Matthew and Carol doing the change over. Matt looked fresh and smiling when he came in - he loved every minute of it and is looking forward to next year.
And off Carol goes - 5km of rock climbing, doggy paddling (those are Carols words not mine) from Long Bay to Browns Bay. Her goal was to do it in 1hr15min.
We started yelling at Carol when she was in ear shot as she was so close to her time, she came in at 1hr 10min.
Pass the transponder to Dianna for her leg of 6km Browns Bay to Milford. Her goal under an hour
By this stage Matthew had had a break, some food and with the body holding up decided to keep Dianna company on her run, I truly think he is mad!!!!. Off you go Dianna run like the wind, leap rocks in a single bound, make us proud
They were the only ones to take the Milford inlet right at the opening to the sea. Worked a charm as well. No swimming, just wading. Dianna's time 57min - whew could she cut it any finer.
Now it's Gaynor's turn - Milford Beach to Takapuna Beach 5km. Gaynor has been training hard, walking hours and to be honest she can actually walk faster than some of us can run.
It was all business for Gaynor, with determination she set off at a cracking pace.
Now this is where it gets a little funny. All day I had been driving the car, dropping one runner off picking the other up with other waiting team members. Matthew had gone with his wife to head into Takapuna beach for my last leg. Dripping wet Dianna was in the passengers seat, Carol doing her speech in Devonport. Gaynor had set off at 2:30pm - at about 2:55pm I said to Dianna, we are not going to get to the end of Takapuna Beach in time. Drop me off and I will run down the beach and be there ready to meet Gaynor. So with my antiflam ready to put on my ankles while I wait, my Hospice t-shirt still on and my ipod in my bag and my bag and water bottle I was walking down the ramp to Takapuna Beach only to see Gaynor running along in front of me. What on earth, 35min, Gaynor had done nearly 5km in 35 min. She informed me that I would have to catch up. So running with all my gear I'm chasing Gaynor down the beach only to see Matthew running from the transition end to meet us both. Gaynor ran to the drinks stations got a drink then ran back about 50m to meet me. Laughing all the way, we change over.
So I'm off 6km in an hour - that's my goal. With hardly anyone on the course by this stage, it was a lonely old run, but thank goodness for my ipod. I couldn't believe it when it started to rain just as I was coming into Kind Edward Parade and the wind, I think I would have rather had the water. The wind was harsh, the rain was cold my ipod now my only friend. As I was running down King Edward Parade other competitors were on their way home, couldn't walk now even if I wanted to.
Then I see the sight of camel coloured t-shirts and realise it's my team, Gaynor and Dianna had made it to Devonport in time.
My time 45 min for 6km
Total combined time 33km in 5hr48min averaging 6km/h - not bad for desk bound Hospice workers who less than 5months hadn't even heard of the Coastal Challenge let alone think of putting in a team. With no broken bones, no blood but a couple of bruises, wet feet and a buzz so high we will be floating for weeks, we are all thinking of doing it again next year.
We can not express how grateful we all are for the support from our families, who have put up with changing diets, endless training sessions and nerves on Friday night and the forever present smell of anti-flam (or was that just my house). And the wonderful sponsorship from everyones team that was involved in helping us make this event one that will only grow each year.
To totalsport thank you for having Hospice North Shore as your Charity Partner - we look forward to working together next year to make this Challenge one which will only grow in strength for both of us.
To Bridgete Lal from TomFit, thank you for helping us get race fit
Click on http://www.fundraiseonline.co.nz/fundraise/topathletes.aspx?e=867 to help raise our sponsorship total. We will be leaving it up for a couple of weeks.
To the other teams Warehouse Glenfield, Westpac Lake Rd and Pac n Save Albany - thank you for coming on this journey with us, we hope to see you all again next year.
The money we have raised will help make each day the best day possible for our patients and their families.
Keep watching our website http://www.nshospice.org.nz/ for an updated and final fundraising total.
From the Hospice Blogger (Lynn) and the Hospice Organiser (Carol) it is over and out from us for another year. But I promise you we will be back and maybe some more of our supporters can run it with us.